Trivium’s mission is to ensure our readers never miss a critical policy development. Every weekday, our analysts collectively parse hundreds Chinese language laws, regulations, policies, articles, and reports coming out of China’s state agencies, media, and think tanks. We watch State Council press conferences and hang out at industry events.
The best insights mean nothing if they are not understandable. We condense the insights we gather into sharp, readable analysis that is available to subscribers via daily updates, deep-dive reports, and personal briefings.
Neutrality is a precious commodity. The increasing politicization of China issues makes it difficult to separate truth from hype. We aim to move beyond sensationalism and paint an accurate, nuanced picture of policy realities.
We work exclusively with analysts that have long-term, on-the-ground experience in China, Chinese language capabilities, familiarity with China’s policy environment, and sector-specific knowledge.
Quality China analysis hinges on quality original sourcing. We rely principally on Chinese-language government documentation, statements by Chinese regulators and political leadership, expert local sources and comprehensive domestic media monitoring.
Everything is connected. These days, economic issues are often tied to technology, technology is inseparable from politics, politics is wrapped up in global economics. That’s why our area specialists collaborate to take a wide-lensed view, and examine the economic, technological, political, and social realities of any given topic.
The best analysis draws from multiple perspectives. Our diverse team hails from across the US, China, Europe, and greater Asia.