Logo 22 Aug 2023

Hush, hush, hurry hurry sci-tech come to Xi

On Sunday, we learned that the Central Committee on Science and Technology (CCST) held its first meeting earlier this spring.

  • No official readouts of the meeting were published at the time.
  • But an unrelated meeting readout from August 15 indicates that the CCST meeting already happened.

Background: The CCST was established at the Two Sessions in March as part of a reorganization of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST).

  • The MoST reorganization was framed as a necessary move to help China stay competitive with the United States on tech.  
  • The CCST gives MoST more power by linking it more closely to the Party, allowing it more authority to implement sci-tech policy across state agencies.

From what we can tell, the CCST meeting likely happened around the first week of June.

That's because: It was around then that the tenor of MoST's other meeting readouts changed, with the focus shifting to the urgent necessity of shoring up the agency's weaknesses, particularly:

  • Improper political alignment and low quality of cadres
  • Poor strategic long-term policymaking

Get smart: The Party thinks MoST isn't equipped with the right people – or the right spirit – to see Xi's vision of sci-tech self-sufficiency through.

  • That's also an indication that corruption at MoST had gotten out of hand.

Get smarter: The absence of a readout on this meeting is a red flag. Summaries from Central Committee meetings, especially inaugural gatherings, are usually published. 

  • A lack of transparency on high-level science and tech strategy will put foreign business in China on the back foot.
Ministry of Science and Technology: 社发司党支部召开集体学习会议

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On Sunday, we learned that the Central Committee on Science and Technology (CCST) held its first meeting earlier this spring.

No official readouts of the meeting were published at the time.

But an unrelated meeting readout from August 15 indicates that the CCST meeting already happened.
